Stand and be True

a blurry image of a rainbow colored background

Paula Boughton

Phases of Healing

Paula is a certified Integrated Energy Therapy® Master Instructor, Unity Field Healing practitioner and has advanced Reiki certification. When called to, she uses astrology, crystals, tarot and oracle cards to enhance healing sessions.

Amanda Marie

Visionary Channeler

Amanda Marie is a visionary channeler, energy worker, and artist. Through meditation, connection, and art, she receives visions guiding individuals on their soul journeys.Trained in Usui Reiki (L2) and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET, L3), she has conducted over 300 personal
readings, Akashic readings and created numerous artworks. She is currently studying Qigong and will soon learn Quantum Empathy Technique (QET).

Community Members

Buffalo Events Marketplace

I am excited to partner with this group as we grow our metaphysical community. Check out their amazing events!

Community Projects

Join us in exploring metaphysical practices and community connections.

Healing Events

Light Workers blend their modalities to provide unique and fulfilling experiences.

Reader Events

Opportunities to have sessions with more than one lightworker.

Workshops & Classes

Engage in hands-on learning and spiritual growth activities.


Participate in sacred ceremonies for personal and communal healing.

Festivals & Fairs

Large Events happening here and elsewhere.